mass effect 3 galactic readiness
there is a trick to boost your military strength is by escalating your galactic readiness rating. The galactic readiness rating is only lifted by taking part in the Galaxy at War multiplayer games, or you can play a several of the games for iPhone or iPad. These apps are named Infiltrator, and Data Pad.
Boosting your galactic readiness rating basically allows you implement more of your military power into effective military strength. if you don't play multiplayer games it will leave your readiness rating at 50%, this mean that a 5000 military strength score is decreased to 2500. so you have to play plenty of multiplayer games and increase your readiness rating to 100%, then you would get your full 5000 points of military strength.

mass effect 3 galactic readiness unlock
but actually you shouldn’t need to get worried for this rating if you don’t desire to, because you can increase your military strength by collecting war assets in single player, however you’re going to need about 8000 military strength, since playing no online games will take your effective rating down 50%.
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