kid icarus uprising treasure hunt
kid icarus uprising treasure hunt guide
what can we unlock by completing these tasks? there are additional idols, hearts, powers, music and many more of kid icarus uprising items. and This treasure hunt sections menu can be reached between chapter on the game.kid icarus uprising viridi's treasure hunts table
Type | Unlock | Requirements |
Hearts - kid icarus uprising | 2,000 Hearts - unlock | try to Obtain an arm with a knockback-defense modifier |
Hearts - kid icarus uprising | 2,000 Hearts - unlock | Beat Chapter 17 get defeated 280 enemies this chapter |
Hearts - kid icarus uprising | 4,000 Hearts - unlock | you have to Defeat your 1st Rare Treasurefish |
Hearts - kid icarus uprising | 5,000 Hearts - unlock | this unlock need 50 weapons |
Feather - kid icarus uprising | Feather - unlock | simply Beat 50 Chapters |
Feather - kid icarus uprising | Feather - unlock | obtain a blade with a weakening modifier |
Idol - kid icarus uprising | Three Sacred Treasures | you must Perform 300 melee attacks |
Idol - kid icarus uprising | Medusa (Battle) | Acquire a staff with a running-speed modifier |
Idol - kid icarus uprising | Phosphora - unlock | just try to Clear Chapter 14 within 17 minutes |
Idol - kid icarus uprising | Reset Bomb - unlock | Defeat Cragalanche with the Poseidon Cannon |
Item - kid icarus uprising | Tempura Bomb -unlock | you have to acquire turned into a tempura |
Music - kid icarus uprising | Ch. 20: Palutena's Temple | gamers must Clear Chapter 20 within 15 minutes |
Music - kid icarus uprising | Ch. 17: The Aurum Brain | simply Clear Chapter 17 within 18 minutes |
power and wepon unlock in viridi treasure hunts table
Type | Unlock | Requirements |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Freeze Attack Lv 2 | this unlock need 5 different bows |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Heart Booster Lv 2 -unlock | you have to get 50 different weapons |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Heavenly Light Lv 2 | player must Acquire 5 different claws |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Instant Death Attack | player must Defeat 3,000 enemies |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Invisible Shots Lv 1 -unlock | player must Execute 500 dodges |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Invisible Shots Lv 2 -unlock | player must Acquire 5 different clubs |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Item Vacuum Lv 2 | player must Beat Chapter 21 in under 17 minutes |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Playing Dead Lv 1 | player must Acquire 5 different staffs |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Power Thief Lv 1 | Collect 100 different Idols |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Quick Charge Lv 3 | Acquire 5 different cannons |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Reflect Barrier Lv 2 -unlock | Use powers 50 times |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Trade-off | player must Defeat 50 bosses |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Transparency Lv 2 | Acquire 5 different arms |
Power - kid icarus uprising | Weak-Point Reticle Lv 2 | Acquire 5 different orbitars |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Artillery Claws - unlock | Acquire claws with a shot-defense modifier |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Aurum Blade - unlock | Destroy 8 of the Aurum Core's guns in Chapter 15 |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Atlas Club - unlock | player must Defeat 20 Souflees |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Babel Club - unlock | you have to Defeat 25 bosses |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Boom Orbitars | Beat Chapter 25 in under 15 minutes |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Crusader Blade | Recover on yout feet from a knockback 50 times |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Electroshock Arm | Open 50 treasure boxes |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Hedgehog Claws | Have more than 50,000 hearts in your possession |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Viridi Palm - unlock | Acquire 5 different palms |
Weapon - kid icarus uprising | Viridi Claws - unlock | Clear Chapter 22 without dying. (Intensity 5.0 or higher) |
Three Sacred Treasures option
this option will show up After finishing Chapters 9 or 23, Now you can select the option to play the chapter again with or without the Sacred Treasures.
Kid icarus uprising Treasure Hunt Rewards
- Page 2 : player have to finish Chapter 11 in Solo mode then player may unlock page 2
- Page 3 : you must complete 25 chapters which is all chapters in Solo mode, this will unlock Treasure Hunt Rewards page 3.
kid icarus uprising hade's treasure hunts
kid icarus uprising palutena's treasure hunts

About this game : kid icarus uprising is developed by Project Sora team,it is a hybrid shooter that consists of on-rails segments in the air and third-person action content when it's on the ground. kid icarus uprising keeps these ideasvery unique, and executes them both well. Pit squares off with an onset of creatures as oddball as they are enourmous, blastingthem out of and into the sky as he makes his way to each level's boss.
Subsequent the cases set by other outstanding 3DS titles like 3D Landand Resident Evil Revelations, the game keeps its ideas concise- most levels can be bested in as little as tenminutes, with several checkpoints spread throughout. The game is self-aware. gamers are likely seeking to boost as many opponents as possible before having to run off to an appointment or class. that's for kid icarus uprising treasure hunt guide