To start these kingdom amalur tasks, you may sit on the throne and ensure that the NPC who has a role in the quest exist. Thus, before you deliver your scout and diplomat out on errands, you ought to see if they are required to start a Master of the Keep mission.
Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning master of the keep tasks
mission in The first quest involves locating the healer's missing relative, a Sister Ceanna in The Jawbone. look for the corpse and head back to acquire.master of the keep task 2
instruction for The second quest is to get some goods for the regular merchant-trader in the middle of the Northern Coast. Fetch and acquire.
master of the keep task 3
description for The third quest is to obtain some Meat for the beast trainer. seek and acquire some meat.
master of the keep task 4
The fourth quest is created by the wreck salvager; he challenges gamers to go through the Tidal Pools dungeon. Note that if gamers deliver him out to seekh for wrecks, gamers cannot do this quest until he backs.
master of the keep task 5
mission in The fifth quest is a exercise battle with the combat trainer. beat him in the sparring venue and be done with it.

Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning master of the keep task list
master of the keep task 6
instruction for The sixth quest is to seek some construction materials for Padrig. It's the same stuff gamers found for the first Gravehal quest. Fetch and back.
master of the keep task 7
description for The seventh quest is to talk to some woman who your fence had a bad business dealing with. look for her and either pay up or persuade her to release the debt. back and gamers can do the next master of the keep task.
Kingdom of Amalur reckoning master of the keep task 8
mission in The eighth quest is to look for Dvergan lorestones - the same sort of lorestones that give gamers bonuses - and head back to Deidre when gamers are done. If gamers haven't found all the lorestones, don't have your Detect Hidden at maximum, or don't want to use our map, this quest tracks the stones for gamers. See Gallows End and Gravehal for the lorestone locations ... or just track this quest!master of the keep task 9
description for The ninth quest is from the painter. He asks gamers seek some ruined painting kept by Dead Kel in his previous raids. Head to Mudhold Fasting and fetch the item gamers need and bring it back.
master of the keep task 10
mission in The tenth quest is from the diplomat (don't deliver her out until this is done). She basically asks for money to dress better.
master of the keep task 11
description for The eleventh quest is just telling some elf guy to stick around instead of rushing out to die in Alabastra. Note that he's the weapon trader gamers seek in the dungeon Tidal Pools. If gamers have not found and recruited this NPC, this master of the keep task will not start.
master of the keep task 12
mission in The twelfth quest is a monster extermination quest with gamersr repairman in the Flooded Caverns.
master of the keep task 13
description for The thirteenth quest is to obtain some essence of the Akara. If gamers completed the story quest The Exiles, simply touch the entry plate to Akara-Tor and gamers will have enough essence for gamersr retainer's experiments. well thouse all Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning master of the keep task list