kid icarus palutena treasure hunts
In Kid Icarus uprising Palutena appears to take action as the Mission Control for Pit, she will provie Pit info and suggestions. Palutena personality comes out a lot more than in previous games. She seems to love teasing Pit, who seems to take it in good humor.
kid icarus uprising palutena's treasure hunts
kid icarus uprising hearts unlockables- to unlock 100 hearts: you have to get an idol, or Die once, or Open a Treasure Box or simply Use a Power.
- to unlock 300 Hearts: gamers must Try to get a club.
- to unlock 300 Hearts: try to you need to complete a melee attack while riding a grind rail.
- to unlock 300 Hearts: simply Play Free-For-All.
- to unlock 300 Hearts: you have to Use Fuse Weapons to create a weapon.
- 3,000 Hearts rewards : must finish 20 times.
- 500 Hearts rewards : Achieve a high score of 100,000.
- 500 Hearts rewards : Successfully finish 5 chapters.
- 500 Hearts rewards : Use 10 items.
- 5,000 Hearts rewards : Use Fuse Weapons to create 20 weapons.
kid icarus uprising Feather
- player must Have 5,000 Hearts in possession. or simply Play for more than 10 hours.
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- to unlock Boom Spear: Try to get a total score of 500,000.
- Brawler Claws : Try to get 20 weapons.
- Collin & Phil rewards : you must beat 5 enemies with the Aether Ring shield before disembarking.
- Girin rewards : you must beat Pandora with the Stealth Claws.
- Grenade rewards : Try to get a staff.
- Light Fighter rewards : Play Light vs. Dark.
- to unlock Magnus: you must beat Dark Lord Gaol with the Burst Blade.
- Mik rewards : In Chapter 1, simply gather at least 1,000 hearts.
- to unlock Monolith: you must beat your first Souflee.
- to unlock Pit: Achieve victory in Light vs. Dark.
- Reaper rewards : you must beat 10 enemies with the Cherubot's melee attack before disembarking.
- to unlock Shock Orbitars: Try to get a bow.
- to unlock Snong : Have a weapon stolen by a Pluton.
- to unlock Somewhat Staff: Play Together mode.
- Space Pirate Captain : you must beat the Kraken with the Bullet Blade.
- That First Town: Try to get a palm.
- Volcano Arm: you need to complete a total of 50 dodges.
- Wrecking Ball: Try to get a cannon.
kid icarus uprising item
- to unlock Capture Circle: you must beat an opponent in Together mode.
- to unlock Eggplant Bomb: Get turned into an eggplant.
- to unlock Giant Maker: Assemble Daybreak.
kid icarus uprising music
- to unlock At The Safloor Palace: Successfully finish Chapter 7 within 18 minutes.
- to unlock Boss Fight 1: you must beat your first Boss.
- Dark Pit reward: you must beat Dark Pit in Chapter 6 while in Crisis mode on Intensity 5.0 or higher.
- to unlock The Space-Pirate Ship: Successfully finish Chapter 8 with a score of 180,000 or higher.
- Into The Labyrinth rewards : Successfully finish Chapter 5 within 18 minutes.
- Magnus's Theme bonus : you must beat Gaol without letting Magnus get taken down on Intensity 5 or higher.
- Underworld Castle bonus : Successfully finish Chapter 9 within 36 minutes.
- to unlock Underworld Gatekeeper: In Chapter 9, destroy the Underworld Gatekeeper's guns, and finish the chapter.
kid icarus uprising Power
- to unlock Autoreticle Level 1: Successfully finish Chapter 1 within 7 minutes.
- Celestial Firework Level 1 reward: you need to complete an Idol toss.
- Confuse Attack Level 1 reward : In Chapter 5, you must beat Pandora without letting Dark Pit get taken down.
- Counter Level 1: Use the Centurion Assist item.
- to unlock Darkness Level 1: you must beat Thanatos in Crisis mode.
- Effect Recovery Level 1: Play Far Away in Together mode.
- Eggplant Attack: Get turned into an eggplant 5 times.
- to unlock Energy Charge Level 1: you must beat Hewdraw Reborn with the Bomber Arm.
- Health Recovery Level 2 bonus: Successfully finish Chapter 5 within 15 minutes.
- Homing Boost Level 1: Try to get an arm.
- Land Mine Level 1: In Chapter 1, destroy 100 enemies, and finish the chapter.
- Lightweight Level 1: Successfully finish Chapter 2 within 13 minutes.
- to unlock Mega Laser Level 1: Try to get 5 different blades.
- Paralyze Attack Level 1 bonus : Try to get 15 different weapons.
- Poison Attack Level 1 reward : you must beat 500 enemies.
- Quick Charge Level 1: Try to get orbitars.
- to unlock Sky Jump Level 1: you need to complete 100 melee attacks
- to unlock Cave Of Spirits: you must beat an angel in Light vs. Dark.
- Forgotten City: Recover onto your feet from a knockback 10 times.
- Rail Temple bonus : Become an angel in Light vs. Dark.
- Spiral Tower reward: Try to get 10 powers.
- Twilight Stratosphere: Play free-for-all 10 times.
kid icarus uprising weapon unlock
- to unlock Angel Bow: simply gather over 10,000 hearts.
- to unlock Cancer Claws: Find the Cancer Zodiac Chamber, and take its treasure.
- Darkness Bow reward : Fire a total of 1,000 shots.
- Eyetrack Orbitars binus : Successfully finish Chapter 2 using orbitars.
- Fairy Orbitars: Put over 10,000 hearts into the Fiend's Cauldron.
- to unlock Fortune Bow: Successfully finish Chapter 2 within 10 minutes.
- Gemini Orbitars: Find the Gemini Zodiac Chamber, and take its treasure.
- to unlock Lancer Staff: Successfully finish Chapter 8 having destroyed 200 or more enemies on Intensity 5 or higher.
- Leo Cannon: Find the Leo Zodiac Chamber, and take its treasure.
- Palutena Blade: Successfully finish Chapter 9 within 28 minutes.
- Poseidon Cannon: Successfully finish Chapter 8 within 20 minutes.
- Predator Cannon: On Intensity 5 or higher, finish Chapter 5 without dying.
- Royal Blade: Rank first in a Free-For-All match.
- Sagittarius Bow: Find the Sagittarius Zodiac Chamber, and take its treasure.
- Somewhat Staff: Successfully finish Chapter 5 using a staff on Intensity 2 or higher.
- Stealth Claws: Successfully finish Chapter 7 using claws on Intensity 5 or higher.
- Taurus Arm: Find the Taurus Zodiac Chamber, and take its treasure.
- Thanatos Staff: you must beat Thanatos with the Volcano Arm.

In the aftermath of the Aurum invasion, She is possessed by the Chaos Kin who makes use of her attack humanity for the up coming three years while sealing Pit's soul away in a ring. Finally, the possession is revealed before Chaos Kin runs away with Palutena's soul, transforming the goddess's body to stone. Palutena finds Pit is mortally injured and has Dark Pit help her carry Pit back from the verge of death. tha't for kid icarus palutena treasure hunts find other kid icarus unlock on this site