solution 100 floors level 22 to 30

Still curious with this game, yeah it's really addicted game, this is 100 floors level 22 until level 30. what you have to do is to solve the puzzle and pass the obtacles. have fun.

100 floors level 22

100 floors level 22

level 22 to pass this just pick up hammer and break the vase on the right side. then swipe the doors in this sequence up - right - left - down

floor 23 100 floors , you must turn the light, then place the board on the door , then follow the sequence when pressing the squares (by hammer). 1 bottom right square , 2 midle square, 3 top left square , 4 bottom left.

100 floors level 22

100 floors 22

floor 24 100 floors, first slide up the door with 2 fingers then with other hand push the green arrow

100 floors level 25 look at the door, from left to right, move the white button slide down after that slide up then slide slightly up

how to unlock floor 26 on 100 floors :
First remove all batteries, now place in the position like this (from top left to right) 5V - 20V - 20V (from bottom left to right) 1v - 1v then last battery place in the empty space

floor 27 100 floors you have to swipe away the refrigator (the right one) then break the wall behind it of course with hammer, then place the crank into the door (chose the middle position), now just turn clockwise. gotcha

how do you pass 100 floors level 28 : look at the door tap it wait the lights up in the sequence as this order : 2 pause 3 pause 1 pause 2

floor 29 100 floors : wow there is a bomb, don't worry just lay down your gadget horizontally (flat) wait until the timer ticks zero

100 floors level 30

this is easy just set the clock time same as your gadget / iPad current time. finish!
That's for "100 floors level 22". read also other 100 Floors LevelTricks Here