Kid Icarus Uprising how to get palutena's bow
1. you can complete chapter twenty four in at least eleven minutes, or
2. you may fuse twin bellows canon. don't forget to do this with pandora claws.
(read here for guide to weapon fusion)
read here for how to get palutena blade in kid icarus uprising
About kid icarus uprising palutena chapter
it begins with a guide on air battles. gamers have to battle through various squads of opponents. .Then, Medusa will show up from the clouds . You'll then come down near the land where you'll have to beat more enemies. Aroundthe mountains, players will find healing orbs to regeneratehealth. After getting down the town player will descend to a land battle. and There will be one more guide.kid icarus uprising music unlock
gamers can unlock all music by finishing Solo mode chapters followed by playing Together mode battles.that's for Kid Icarus Uprising how to get palutena's bow which sometimes called by sacred bow and tips for kid icarus uprising music unlock